The Dark Tower
Visualisation Design & research
There is nothing quite like Stephen Kings 'The Dark Tower'. After weeks absorbing his books and studying the script, what followed was a deep dive of image sourcing, reference gathering and deck building with the shows post production supervisor.
Exploring every facet of the projects themes, from its arid wastelands, to the dark and maddening magic that runs so deeply in its world, was an addictive and compelling journey down the rabbit hole.
From locations, to tattoos, and all the way to a decaying and forgotten 'other' American wasteland.
Sadly the pilot didn't lead to a series and am unable to share the look dev for the show.

Title Sequence
Design & Concept
I have rarely enjoyed designing a sequence more. Following the books themes and imagining them as a rich, intoxicating fever dream, born from the Dark Towers magic, it's desert creatures and broken, alternate America.
Noble gunslingers and the infamous 'man in black', took me on a heady and unforgettable journey.